Clare McCullough


Falling for Cullahtivation

Introducing the world of purposeful play into a world of lockdown. The good-natured growth of Cullah’s anticipated Cullahtivation album is one of the only things I have been looking forward to. His single, “Falling”, could lift the spirits of even the most cantankerous soul. Injecting his soul into a world in pain he demonstrates that even in times of isolation and uncertainty there is still rain and sunshine for us to grow.

He proves that all we really need to cushion our fall; is the amount of love that we give. It is easier to be kind and spread love than it is to be mean and hard. To be good is to fall in love everyday with growth and your compassion for others. Cullah wants to be there for you when you fall; because he has fallen too.  The full album release occurs, like it always does, on April 27.

The link to his website is here –>

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